Explore Lucrative Science Teaching Jobs in Canada

Canada is a country that combines a strong commitment to education with a warm multicultural society, which is why it attracts foreign workers from all over the world. So, if you are a science teacher open to working abroad, there are vacancies in science teaching jobs in Canada just for you.

Science Teaching Jobs in Canada
Science Teaching Jobs in Canada

Science is pivotal to the continued existence of humankind, and you can contribute immensely as a science teacher in Canada while enjoying some friendly Canadian weather.

Well, is that not the dream for us all? Working to benefit the human race in a friendly, life-enriching environment. Also, as a science teacher, you will be shaping the future of young Canadians while enriching their minds with a willingness to discover new things.

For those interested in science and teaching, Canada offers numerous opportunities to build a rewarding career as a science teacher. In this article, we will discuss science teaching jobs in Canada, examine the various science teaching jobs available in Canada and the field of science available, and highlight the opportunities available, the educational requirements, and the pathways to secure these positions.

Everything you need to know about science teaching jobs in Canada

Science teaching jobs in Canada are an act of educating and passing knowledge of science to people at different levels of education, such as elementary school, high school, college, and university.

Are science teachers in demand in Canada?

Yes! Science teachers are needed in Canada due to the continuous growth in the population and the desire of the government of Canada to provide qualified teachers at all levels of education in Canada. College teachers, lecturers, and university professors are currently in high demand to fill the vacant places, with a shortage of academic teachers in the provinces. 

Types of Science Teaching Jobs in Canada

  1. Elementary School Science Teacher: Elementary school science teachers play an essential role in building young minds to science by introducing pupils to how beautiful nature is and instructing students on the basic concept of science.
  2. Middle and High School Science Teachers: The science teachers in this category specialize in a particular science subject. Biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science are good examples of such specialties. At these levels, students are inspired to learn more about the difficulties of scientific theory.
  3. College or university: educators at this level are mostly professors. Canada’s post-secondary institutions give various advantages to those with higher degrees in several scientific fields. Professors teach undergraduate and graduate-level courses, conduct research, and contribute to the academic community.
  4. Science Education Specialist: Educational institutions and schools require the service of specialists in science education to train teachers, develop curricula, and enhance the quality of science education in the country. An individual in this category will be an expert in teaching and an advanced degree holder.
  5. Online Science Teaching: With the growth of the internet and online education, there’s a high rise in requests for teachers of every subject, especially science tutors. The program comes in different formats, such as tutoring platforms, self-created online courses, or virtual schools. Educators finding themselves in this category can reach students nationwide. 

Educational Requirements for Science Teaching Jobs in Canada

The requirements for science teaching jobs in Canada vary depending on the level of education and the province or territory in which you wish to teach. However, there are some general instructions. 

  1. Elementary and Secondary Level: To teach at the elementary or secondary school level in Canada, one needs to have a bachelor’s degree in education focusing on two areas of science and a relevant teaching certificate.
  2. College or University: To qualify as a college or university professor, one must possess a Master’s or Ph.D. in their specific scientific field with a robust research book.
  3. Teaching Certification: The teaching certificate in Canada differs depending on the province and territory. Every area in Canada has its own teacher certification requirements. You must meet these requirements, including completing a teacher education program and passing certification exams.

Finding Science Teaching Jobs in Canada 

To secure a science teaching job in Canada, consider the following plans:

  1. Online Job Portals: Websites like Indeed, Workopolis, and Education Canada regularly post teaching positions. These portals provide jobs by location and level.
  2. School Websites: Many schools and educational institutions post job openings directly on their websites. Check the websites of schools or universities in your desired location.
  3. Networking: Join professional organizations, attend education conferences, and connect with fellow educators. Networking can provide valuable insights and job leads.
  4. Education Agencies: Some agencies specialize in helping educators, including international ones, find teaching positions in Canada.
  5. Government Websites: Visit the official websites of the province where you want to work. They often provide information on teacher certification requirements and job postings.

Field of science teaching jobs in Canada

  • Physics

Physics studies the fundamental forces and principles that govern the universe’s behavior. It seeks to explain everything from the smallest subatomic particles to the enormous expanses of the cosmos. essential fields of physics are 

  1. Classical mechanics
  2.  Quantum mechanics 
  3. Relativity
  4.  Astrophysics.
  •  Chemistry

Chemistry studies matter, its structure, properties, and how substances interact. It plays a crucial role in medicine, materials science, and environmental science. Areas in chemistry are

  1. Organic

  2.  Inorganic

  3.  Physical

  4.  Analytical chemistry.

  • Biology

Biology is the science of life that deals with studying living organisms, their structure, function, growth, evolution, and interactions with their environments. Branches of biology include genetics, ecology, microbiology, and evolutionary biology.

  • Earth Science

Earth science focuses on the planet we inhabit. It includes geology (study of the Earth’s structure and processes), meteorology (analysis of the atmosphere and weather), oceanography (study of the oceans), and environmental science (study of the environment and its impact on life).

  • Astronomy

Astronomy explores the universe beyond Earth, studying celestial objects such as stars, planets, galaxies, and the cosmos. It includes both observational and theoretical aspects, helping us explain the origin and evolution of the universe.

  • Mathematics

Mathematics serves as the language of science, providing the tools and frameworks for understanding and describing natural phenomena. It plays a vital role in all scientific disciplines, from physics to economics.

  • Computer Science

Computer Science While not a traditional natural science, computer science is a rapidly developing field that deals with algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and technology development. It plays a pivotal role in modern scientific research and technological advancements.

  • Environmental Science

Environmental science is the study of the environment, the impact of human activities on the natural world, and strategies for sustainable resource management and conservation.

  • Medicine and Life Sciences

These fields center on studying the human body, diseases, medical treatments, and the development of pharmaceuticals. Improving medical science has dramatically improved our understanding of health and the treatment of illnesses.

  • Neuroscience 

This interdisciplinary field focuses on the brain and nervous system, aiming to understand how they function and relate to human cognition, behavior, and consciousness.

Science Teaching Jobs in Canada
Science Teaching Jobs in Canada

Jobs Responsibilities in Science Teaching Jobs in Canada 

Elementary  and Secondary School Jobs Responsibilities 

As an individual undertaking any of the science course or subjects, as the case may be, the following are their responsibilities:

  1. Preparing a healthy structure lesson plan and curriculum that go with national and school-set rules and standards
  2. Prepare assessment and give valuable feedback to parents, students and other teachers
  3. Create classroom and laboratory rules and regulations and ensure all students understand what they are told to do
  4. Demonstrate and supervise students while they are conducting an experiment 
  5. Helps students who are struggling with extra resources and support
  6. Grading exam, updating of students progress and performing administrative duties
  7. Provide teacher-student relations whereby students can be free to ask when they need help 
  8. Participate in the enrollment and teaching of new teachers and provide support to student teachers

College and University Jobs Responsibilities 

Unlike in elementary and secondary school, tutors in college or university have a load of work on them. Their responsibilities include:

  1. To prepare and give tutorials or lectures
  2. Organize workshops or seminars.
  3. Develop curricula and provide relevant course material for the students
  4. Relating with other academic staff to expand knowledge and bring innovation in teaching method
  5. Preparing and grading assignments, tests and exams
  6. Conducting research and proposals, writing papers, journal articles, and books.
  7. Provide support to students in their academic activities and help colleagues in their research 
  8. Keep yourself updated by reading widely and producing published work in the field.
  9. Attend conferences, events, and meetings within and outside the college or university.
  10. Participate in leadership training at the institution.

Salary of Science Teaching Jobs in Canada

One will wonder if teaching is lucrative in Canada; the answer is close to fetch. Canada is one of the countries that values education and spends a fortune to have the best. The salaries of those in the science teaching profession cannot be ascertained as they vary depending on the province and the level of education.

  1. Elementary School Teacher: Average salary is $46,900 per year to $77,570 per year.
  2. Secondary School Teacher: Average pay is $45,394 per year to $71,438 per year.
  3. College or University Salary: An average college or university lecturer or professor earns $70,000 to $168,539 annually in Canada.
  4. Science Education Specialist: The average entry-level science education specialist earns $62,264 annually, while an experienced science education specialist earns $96,851 annually. 
  5. Online Science Teacher: The average online science teacher gets $75,600 per year

Steps to Becoming a Science Teacher in Canada

To become a science teacher in Canada, one must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Have a Bachelor’s degree in education
  • A certificate for teaching education in the province 
  • Have enough Classroom Experience
  • Apply for teaching jobs


Teaching science in Canada is a rewarding career choice with different opportunities at various levels of education. Whether you aspire to burn young minds at the elementary level, guide secondary students through complex scientific concepts, or inspire future scientists at the university level, there are ways to follow and demand dedicated science educators nationwide. Remember to inquire more about the specific requirements and processes for the province you wish to work in and embark on your journey to educate the next generation of Canadian scientists. 

If you are passionate about applying for science teaching jobs in Canada, apply through this link

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