
How to get Japan Work Visa in 2022: Easy Guide


Those planning to enter the country only to find a gainful job must first obtain a Japan Work Visa. As of now, there are three distinct categories of Japan work visas:

The standard Japan Work Visa is available to people in a variety of fields, particularly academia and the arts.

The Highly Skilled Professional Visa for Japan, which is granted on a points-based system and grants a longer duration of stay and additional advantages than a standard Japan Work Visa, is a popular choice for highly qualified professionals who wants to work in Japan.

A Working Holiday Visa for Japan is available to citizens of countries with which Japan has a Working Holiday Agreement.


This page will explain the fundamentals of obtaining a standard Japan Work Visa, including who is eligible to apply, how to apply, the length of time a visa can be valid, and so on.

Who needs Japan Work Visa?

There is a mandatory requirement for a Japan Work Visa for any non-Japanese citizen who plans to live and work in Japan for any length of time.

Although nationals of several countries do not need a Japan Visa to enter the country temporarily for tourism, business, or other recreational purposes, this exemption only applies to short-term visitors.

Everyone needs the proper Japan Visa for stays of more than 90 days (job, school, family reunion).

If you establish a company in Japan, you may connect with a whole new set of potential customers and partners.

However, you’ll need to either bring in more workers from scratch or relocate part of your current personnel to Japan if your business is going to grow significantly.

Each of your non-Japanese workers will also need to acquire a work visa before they can begin working in the country.

The Various Japan Work Visa types

The purpose of an expat’s move to Japan and the nature of their profession determine which of Japan’s nearly 30 working visas and long-term visas they will need. Artists, teachers, journalists, academics, skilled workers, and others can all apply for occupation-based work visas.

The length of time a worker is allowed to stay in Japan depends on the type of visa they apply for. The typical duration is between three months and five years.

As of late, Japan has also been issuing specialized visas for those with certain skills, in addition to the standard work permits for occupations.

When there is a shortage of workers in a certain occupation in Japan, the government issues Specified Skilled Worker Visas to foreign nationals.

By the year 2025, Japan plans to have around 500,000 additional foreign workers.

Workers with specialized skills in occupations including shipbuilding, agriculture, nursing, and others are eligible for the Specified Skills Visa 1-SSV1.

There are both technical and Japanese language requirements. The visa can be extended for up to 5 additional years after its initial one-year term. A visa 2-SSV2 application is necessary for stays longer than five years.

The Specified Skills Visa 2-SSV2 allows visa holders to enter Japan with their families and to remain in the country indefinitely.

To qualify for this visa, those who are already working in Japan on a Visa 1-SSV1 must attain a better degree of innovation in their area before applying.

Japan work visa you can apply for

Expats can stay in Japan for different amounts of time depending on the type of visa they’ve applied for and their unique circumstances.

Most permits above last three months to five years. After five years, a work visa will no longer be renewed.

  • Humanities/international services expert/engineer
  • Researcher
  • Manager of Business Operations for a Creative Profession
  • Entertainer
  • Assisting with nursing duties
  • Services in Journalism Law and Accounting
  • Religious Studies Professor’s Extracurriculars
  • Expertise-Based Work
  • Transferred Instructor Within Organization
  • Healthcare delivery
  • Instruction for Interns in Technical Fields


Can I get Japan to work visa Independently?

You will need to start a business in Japan as there is no provision for self-employment visas.

Fortunately, there are a few options available to non-native speakers. The first is to enter the country on a work visa sponsored by a Japanese firm, live there for a full calendar year, and then use those connections to launch your own business.

Many Japanese companies can sponsor your visa even if you just work contractually for them, making this a great method to become self-employed in Japan for some foreigners.

You can also apply for an investment visa as a person establishing a new company in Japan if you begin operations in this way.

You’ll need the following to apply for an investor visa if you’re starting a firm from scratch:

Verification of a business plan worthy of a 500,000 JPY ($4,600) investment.

Copies of the company’s incorporation papers and a profit-and-loss statement detailing the total number of employees.

Proof of employment and payroll records, as well as copies of employees’ residency cards or registration certificates.

Documentation of a Legitimate Business Address.

Your Japanese resident card is proof that you have paid monthly income and property tax, which is required to claim your investment proceeds.

A firm can also apply for an investment visa.

If a business has been around for three years or more, it might be termed well-established.

Next, send the following documents alongside the application form that can be accessed on the website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Evidence that you earn at least 250,000 JPY (2,300 USD) every year (the more you earn, the greater your chances of acquiring the visa); monthly bank statements; invoices from former clients; signed contracts from previous clients; income tax contributions; official office address.

Both types of investors need applicants to have a bachelor’s degree and any relevant professional certifications before they can be considered for investment.

To apply for Japan work Visa what paperwork do I need?

Please bring the following with you while applying for a Japan work visa

  • The Eligibility Certificate
  • Accurately filled out and signed an Application for a Work Visa in Japan.
  • The application is available for download on the Foreign Ministry of Japan’s website (here).
  • A photocopy of your valid passport and your passport

Photos the same dimensions as those required for a passport

  • Size: 4 x 3 centimeters
  • Photographed within the past three months
  • Absence of design or shading on a white background.
  • You need to stare without expression straight ahead.
  • Your entire face must be in view.
  • The photo should be of high quality (focused, clear, and sharp)
  • Paperwork outlining your job title and responsibilities, your starting and ending salaries, and the length of your employment at the company or organization.
  • Proof of your experience and education
  • Company registration papers, a profit and loss statement, and similar documents about receiving business.
  • In the case of creative professionals, examples of your prior work would be ideal.
  • Credentials verifying your affiliation with the religious group that is sponsoring your trip to Japan
  • Proof of the Japanese recipient organization’s existence and contact information.
  • Proof of your religious affiliation and professional background
  • Information about the recipient organization for researchers.
  • Expertise and education
  • Documents pertinent to the donating organization, intended for instructors or professors
  • The equivalent of a teaching certificate or academic credentials.
  • Proof of affiliation between the sending and receiving offices or businesses, in the case of an internal transferee.
  • The Japanese Embassy or Consulate may request extra documentation based on your profession.

In addition, The Japanese Immigration Services require that you have your employer or sponsor in Japan apply for your Certificate of Eligibility before you can apply for your Japan Work Visa.

The Japanese Immigration Service and Japanese Consulate may seek further documentation.

Japan Work Visa Application?

Applying for a Japan Work Visa consists of two stages:

Obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility

Japan’s Immigration Services must issue a Certificate of Eligibility to all long-term foreign visitors. Your sponsor (employer) must submit your application for a certificate of eligibility on your account. You must send all the necessary paperwork to them.

You still need to apply for a Japan Work Visa from your country of residence, and the Certificate of Eligibility for Japan is just a prerequisite.

The COE does, however, prove that you’ve been cleared for admission to Japan by the country’s Immigration Services and that you’re qualified to work there. Obtaining a visa is simpler after you have received your Certificate of Eligibility.

Japan Work Visa Application

When you are eligible, your company will issue you a Certificate of Eligibility that you can use to apply for a Work Visa at the Japanese Embassy in your home country. I implore you to

If you need to get in touch with the Japanese government, find your nearest Embassy.

Here is a directory of all Japanese diplomatic missions around the world, including embassies, consulates, and permanent representations.

When applying for a visa, some Representative Offices only accept applications through approved travel agencies or visa application service providers.

Acquire the paperwork needed to apply for a work visa in Japan.

You can apply for a Japan Work visa at the Japanese Embassy with a travel agency or through a visa application service.

You may also have to return for an appointment or to submit more papers if the Consulate or Embassy deems it essential.

Visa retrieval is required. Return to the Japan Immigration Bureau to collect your passport once your application for a Japan Work Visa has been processed.

In that case, you should be able to enter Japan as long as your visa application was granted.

Can You Tell Me How Long It Takes to Get a Japan work visa?

Japan work visas typically take between 5 and 10 business days to process

The Work Visa Certificate of the Eligibility process, however, can take up to three months to complete.


How Much Does Japan Work Visa cost?

These are the costs to obtain a visa to Japan:

Pricing for a visa to enter Japan for a single visit is 3,000 yen.

Costs 6,000 JPY for a multiple-entry or double-entry visa.


The application cost is non-refundable once paid.

Application fees are subject to change and will likely increase if you go through an agency.

The cost of a visa might vary by country of application, currency, and nationality.

How Long Does a Japan Work Visa Last?

There are several factors, like your occupation and the length of your employment contract, that determine how long a Japan Work Visa will be valid.

A duration of 3 months


12 months

3 Years

5 years

Any Work Visa holder who meets the conditions can apply for a visa extension before their current visa expires.

Guide to Extend Japan Work Visa.

If you need to extend your stay in Japan, you must do so at the Immigration Office in the area where you currently reside and/or are employed. The subsequent paperwork is required of you:

  • Prolonged Stay Signed and completed application form
  • Photocopy of your passport or residence card Passport-sized photo that meets the following requirements:
  • Size: 4 x 3 centimeters
  • Photographed within the past three months
  • Background color is light and there are no patterns or shadows.
  • You need to stare without expression straight ahead.
  • Your entire face must be in view.
  • The photo’s resolution should be high (focused, clear, and sharp)
  • If you want to stay in Japan, you’ll need to show proof that you can afford to do so.
  • Documentation from your employer verifying your current employment status and including information like your pay, job title, and length of work.
  • Company Articles of Incorporation
  • Tax returns and income statements for the past year


How feasible is it for me to live in Japan if I don’t have a job?

You can live in Japan without working if you have a student visa or a spouse visa (for foreigners who are married to Japanese citizens), but you’ll still need money for housing, food, transportation, etc. The cost of living in Japan is high. If not, then, no.

Does Japan welcome international visitors?

Japan is an open and inviting nation with deep roots in customs and history. Most first-time visitors will likely experience some level of culture shock, although they will likely be impressed by the extreme politeness, courtesy, and graciousness of the locals.

Also, ownership of the real estate and buildings in Japan is open to anyone from abroad. Japan is a great place to buy a home, condo, or plot of land because foreign buyers are not subject to any restrictions.

It is possible to purchase real estate while visiting on a tourist visa.

Is it safe for foreigners to live in Japan?

The answer is different for everyone. If you meet all the following criteria, Japan is the place for you:

As long as you’re willing to put in the work, Japan is one of the best countries in the world to call home.

One of their goals is to become fluent in Japanese.

Their goal is to blend in with the mainstream culture.

They have an open mind and are eager to learn.

Fourth, unlike many Westerners—especially those of the 1980s—they don’t arrive with an inflated sense of self-importance.

They will see that the process of immigration is simple and that it is feasible to gain permanent residency and citizenship. They will discover low crime rates and a tranquil environment in which to settle down.

But that certainly doesn’t make Japan a utopia or a place devoid of bias. What this means, however, is that one can live a contented life in this country.

Is there age limit to work in Japan?

Article 56 stipulates that no minors under the age of 15 shall be employed in any capacity.



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